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Tennessee Scholars


        Tennessee Scholars motivates all high school students to complete a defined, rigorous course of study. To graduate with the Tennessee Scholar designation, a student must maintain a “C” average in all courses, complete eighty volunteer service hours; have no out-of-school suspensions; and maintain a 95% attendance record.  It is maintained by the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry.  Students receive a medal to wear at Graduation, a gold seal on their diploma, and a chance for additional scholarships.

        The road to becoming a Tennessee Scholar has a significant and positive impact on students.  It improves their chances to receive and maintain the Hope Scholarship. According to statistical data, Tennessee Scholars students have a higher percentage of graduating with at least a B average and of scoring a 23 on the ACT, thus having the potential to qualify for more scholarships and to maintain a grade point average in college to keep those scholarships. Statistics show, for example, that more than 80 percent of Tennessee Scholars who are awarded the Hope Scholarship keep it in college and complete school in less time.  Tennessee Scholars are sought after by the military and employers, where they are often offered job preferential hiring because they have developed key workforce skills and competencies.

        Tennessee Scholars focuses on a pre-determined “stretch” curriculum  Tennessee Scholars 2014 and Beyond Graduation Requirements that emphasizes higher-level math and science, language arts, and social studies and a set of additional workforce development requirements of attendance, discipline, and volunteer service.  It is oriented toward all students, and particularly encourages the middle-ability students to raise their expectations.

        Students should print this Requirements and Volunteer Check Sheet (click here) and keep a record of their hours beginning as a 9th grader.  The completed sheet should be turned into the counselor in the Spring of their senior year.