How do I join? How much is the cost to join?
Complete the FBLA Student Application form and return it and $20 to Ms. Neblett (room D-61) before the deadline. It’s important to have both so you can be properly registered with the national FBLA organization. Dues can be exact cash or a check made out to SHS.
The form is digital and can be access at bit.ly/SHSFBLA. If you’re virtual, dues can be turned into the front office (in an envelope with “FBLA – Neblett” written on it).
What do I get with membership payment?
Joining FBLA is a great extracurricular for any student! You do fun things, make friends, and get to travel. Plus, it looks great for college, scholarships, and jobs. It demonstrates leadership and grit and is a nationally recognized association.
Your $20 goes toward paying state and national FBLA membership fees, and you’ll receive a t-shirt to wear for the yearbook picture and throughout the year. Additional events, such as Conferences, require separate payment.
What do you do?
We participate in several events and trips both locally and through the FBLA organization. We also hold meetings regularly to discuss and plan goals, events, and fundraisers. Meetings are held both during OT and after school to best meet the needs of members’ other obligations.
Some events we participate in ever year include Titan’s Learning Lab, Trunk or Treat @ SHS, FBLA Regional Leadership Conference (RLC) (Clarksville), and State Leadership Conference (SLC) (Chattanooga). Additional events occur based on student interest and include social/movie nights, the Chili Challenge, and FBLA National Leadership Conference.
Similarly, Titan’s Learning Lab and Trunk or Treat have been cancelled. We still plan to host fun activities in the Fall, such as Trivia Nights.
I don’t drive / have practice / have another club / for some reason cannot make it to the meeting.
That’s okay! Several FBLA students don’t drive or have other obligations that prevent them from attending every meeting (like sports or other clubs). As long as you communicate with Ms. Neblett and make an effort to participate in some events, you’ll be fine!
Meetings will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. Upon completing the applications and paying the dues, you’ll be added to the group. Meetings dates will be announced via Teams and Remind.
Will I get a cord/stole at graduation? How much does it cost?
Stoles are provided for dedicated and involved FBLA students only. Ideally, these are reserved for students who have been a member for at least 2 years and attend RLC and SLC. Students who join their senior year and demonstrate exemplary involvement may also be considered.
Stoles cost $25. They are gold with a navy FBLA crest.