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Chain of Command

United States Air Force

President of the United States
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Secretary of Defense
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin III
Secretary of the Air Force
The Honorable Frank Kendall
Air Force Chief of Staff
General Charles Q. Brown
Commander, Air Education and Training Command
Lieutenant General Brian Robinson
Commander, Air University
Lieutenant General Andrea D. Tullos
Commander, Holm Center
Brigadier General Houston Cantwell
Director, Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps
Colonel Johnny R. McGonigal
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
CMSgt Joanne S. Bass
Director, Region 7
Mr. William Tully

TN-20021 Air Force
Junior ROTC

Senior Aerospace Science Instructor
Major Dale M. Lightfoot
Aerospace Science Instructor
CMSgt Robert D. Nation
Aerospace Science Instructor
MSgt Douglas E. Holland
TN-20021 Corps Commander
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Cassidy
TN-20021 Deputy Corps Commander
Cadet Major Blackburn
TN-20021 Director of Operations
Cadet Captain Bailey
TN-20021 Inspector General
Cadet Major Abby Page
TN-20021 Drill / Sabre / Color Guard Commander
Cadet Captain Upchurch
TN-20021 Logistics Flight Commander
Cadet Captain Branch and Cadet Second Lieutenant Garcia
TN-20021 Physical Training Flight Commander
Cadet Second Lieutenant McCarroll
TN-20021 Command Chief
Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Riebli
TN-20021 Personnel Officers
Cadet First Lieutenants Buckett (Outlier) & Souza (SHS)
TN-20021 Public Affairs Flight Commander
Cadet Captain Grundy
TN-20021 Recruiting Flight Commander
Cadet Second Lieutenant Swallows
JCOTC Students Marching with US Flag