Cadet Guide & References
- Cadet Honor Code
Leadership Development
Requirements -
Uniform Inspection Day
& Physical Fitness Training Day - Remind App Information
Cadet Honor Code
A cadet shall not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do. A cadet will be truthful, trustworthy, honest and forthright in all things.
Every cadet is presumed to be honorable and to possess moral integrity in the fullest sense and will be treated accordingly, unless a cadet proves otherwise by his/her words or actions.
A cadet should neither permit nor accept anything which is not just, right or true. He/she must do the right because it is right, not because of fear of punishment or peer pressure.
Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do
Air Force Core Values
Leadership Development
Extracurricular activities, such as those presented below, add interest and prestige to the cadet corps. Cadets are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one of them. Participation in these activities is contingent on academic eligibility. This means cadets must achieve and maintain passing grades in all their courses during each grading period to participate.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: In an effort to produce well-informed and helpful citizens, AFJROTC encourages its cadets to get involved in their local communities. This aspect of AFJROTC is one of the most rewarding and fun. The number, type, and size of cadet service projects are limited only by imagination. Community Service counts for approximately 30% of the class grade. Cadets are encouraged to maintain a volunteer account and log hours at the President’s Volunteer Service Award website.
COLOR GUARD: This elite group has the honor of presenting and posting the national, state and school colors at important school and community activities. Members may participate in local and statewide competitions. Distinctive uniform items are worn (helmets/berets, pistol cords, shoulder cords, ascots, etc.). However, considerable effort is required to become a member of this elite group. The honor, however, more than compensates for the effort required. Color Guard performs all over Nashville, Tennessee at NHL games, NFL games, minor league baseball as well as, high school home football games and special events across Robertson County weekly.
SABER TEAM: This elite group has the honor of performing at special events such as Homecoming, Awards Night, the Military Appreciation Night and other special occasions, by learning how to perform a “saber arch” in front of large audiences. Demonstrations are also conducted at local schools. Distinctive uniform elements are worn.
DRILL TEAM: Much effort is required in this activity. Here you will take the skills you have learned in normal classroom drill and ceremonies to a new level of expertise and precision. Drill teams compete statewide, so this will involve travel overnight to some locations. To be a drill team member requires before and after school practice, learning the manual of arms, extreme concentration, complete compliance with the drill team commander’s commands, extra care of the uniform and the desire for public competition.
ACADEMIC TEAM: Academic team is a highly selective team composed of the seven highest academically ranked cadets in the Corps. These students will be selected and invited onto the team by the SASI. They are expected to study five subjects (English, Math, Science, Military Studies, and Current Events) and compete in global academic competitions throughout the school year. We have been to the JLAB National Finals in 2018, 2019 and 2020--the only AFJROTC team in the country to be able to say that!
REMOTE CONTROL (RC) PLANE CLUB: The RC club is here to design, build, and fly RC planes that are made of paper, plastic, balsa wood, or any other lightweight material. An RC program can provide an exciting introduction for cadets to concepts of aerospace engineering and design and the basic concepts of flight and space. It can motivate cadets to attain a greater knowledge of aerospace studies and arouse interest in aerospace careers.
CYBERPATRIOT: CyberPatriot is a National Youth Cyber Education Program sponsored by the Air Force Association (AFA) to inspire high school students towards careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future. In the rounds of competition, teams and gives a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within and hardening the system while maintaining critical services.
KITTY HAWK AIR SOCIETY (KHAS): KHAS is the academic honor society of AFJROTC. Its purpose is to promote high academic standards and achievement. KHAS also developed leadership abilities, recognizes academic excellence, and further members' knowledge of the Air Force role in aerospace. In order to be admitted, an instructor will review your eligibility. The minimum is a 3.5 cumulative GPA and "A" in AFJROTC. (Limited to approximately the top 20% of cadets).
RAIDER / PHYSICAL TRAINING (PT) TEAM: PT team is a team dedicated to ensuring the physical fitness of AFJROTC cadets. They train throughout the year in multiple physically challenging aspects and compete in annual competitions. They also travel to local elementary schools to share the importance of being physically fit. Competitions are conducted in Airmen Battle Uniforms; there may be personal expenses to obtain the uniform and participate in the local Raider Team Competitions with our Army, Navy and Marine Corps JROTC brethren.
Uniform Inspection Day
& Physical Fitness Training Day
The AFJROTC uniform is to be worn by all cadets on (Uniform of the Week Day, Wednesday / Physical Fitness, PT Gear, Friday) of each week. All cadets need to be in compliance with uniform standards to include haircuts and hair color, shaving and grooming standards, cleanliness, military image, and correct wear of the uniform. Cadets are required to be in uniform from the 8:15 a.m. bell to 3:30 p.m. bell, unless they have approval from the SASI or ASI.
Inspections are conducted by the Senior Leadership Cadets with an Instructor observing to ensure consistency. The uniform inspection grade counts for 30 percent of your student’s grade in AFJROTC and we cannot stress it enough to the cadets about the importance of wearing their uniform.
Uniform makeup day is on Thursday of the inspection week. There will be no other alternate makeup day.
If you have any questions, please contact the JROTC office. We are also available before and after school by appointment only.
Remind App Information
Get Cadet Information by Connecting to our Remind Group
Our Remind account is used to connect with cadets and parents to let you know what is going on in the TN-20021 Corps of Cadets and upcoming events.
To join our Remind Cadet Group text 81010 with the message @shsafj (no "rotc" at the end")
To join our Remind Parent Group text 81010 with the message @shsafjrot (no "c" at the end")